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A Great Catch! Dimensional Fish Plaque

A Great Catch! Dimensional Fish Plaque

Materials Palette Delta Ceramcoat Acrylic Autumn Brown Bahama Purple Black Black Green Blue Heaven Blue Lagoon Cactus Green Dark Forest Green Hippo Grey Lichen Grey Light Ivory Mocha Brown Oasis Green Periwinkle Blue ...

Ferns with Insects and Creatures Tray

Ferns with Insects and Creatures Tray

Create a dramatic, but super-easy fern background using natural fern fronds as a stencil, and then enrich the scene with your favorite insects and woodland creatures. Materials Western Metal Ware Primed Metal Shallow Plate, #17 (17" dia.) Plaid FolkArt Artists' Pigments: Aqua, Asphaltum, Burnt ...

“Lilies” Hearth – Majestic Blooms

“Lilies” Hearth – Majestic Blooms

Every garden must have a lily! There are so many different types of lilies but they all seem to have one thing in common: large, showy fragrant blossoms that come back beautifully each year. Materials Della and Company Folk Art Tin Ornament Puffed Large Wall Heart, #FT-2231 (12") DecoArt Americana ...

Garden Gate Greeting… Arne’s “Welcome”

Garden Gate Greeting… Arne’s “Welcome”

Whether you spell it welcome or velkommen, the sentiment is "come on over and let's enjoy the day together". So grab some paint and your friends, and spend the day making something special. Materials Viking Woodcrafts Wooden Sign, #20-11035 18-1 /4" x 22-1 /2") DecoArt Americana Acrylics: Avocado, Baby ...

Orchid on Parchment

Orchid on Parchment

Painting home decor involves the combination of unique background elements, such as collage and texture. Often background effects set the stage for a simple painting style, creating depth and dimension for the viewer, as shown in the project featured here. Materials Gotrlck Canvas (9" x 12") Solid ...

Turquoise Ocean

Turquoise Ocean

"I have a love affair with the ocean - there is nothing more beautiful than the sea! It can be sunrise or sunset, smooth sailing, or big splashing waves. The ocean always fascinates me with its mysterious undercurrents and dancing foam! Ever since I visited the Mediterranean, I have loved painting the beautiful colors ...

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